Saturday, February 21, 2015


Hey, there. Just some unfiltered morning musings, AngryBronx-style. (Perhaps we're grumpy because these are the typical type of our waking ideas?)

That shill for Lifelock, R. Giuliani, has again proven how wrong he was for New York, for America, and for planet Earth. Begone, LispySchitt!

Avella: let's ban machetes in New York town! Huh? That's right. This is the latest task that your do-nothing legislators have decided they need to get to. Don't worry. No talk of restricting gun availability here!

Breaking Bullspit News: You are going to be inundated with the details of boyfriend-beating Columbia professor's misdemeanor assault, all in the interest of gender equality. I predict tsunamic tempest in a teapot waves of non-news. Hope I'm wrong, but I dunno...

Find a Malcolm X commemoration this weekend, AND ATTEND IT. We owe that, and we owe a thought or two for political prisoners every day. Still locked down, some four decades in. For me.


  1. Well today is Sunday, February 22, 2015 on the opening joke from Neil Patrick Harris is the they are there to award the Whitest and the Brightest. We'll this is true all the way through and through. In the audience for example, I have identified only about 25 black people all together. Really?? This is ridiculous!

  2. And the Oscar goes to......
