Wednesday, July 2, 2014

CorporraForming The PLANET!

The SCOTUS decision concerning Hobby Lobby and a corporation's ability to possess religious beliefs (huh?) that must be respected, is another giant step on the road we are already flying down--the destination of which is a planet where you individuals, you persons, are statutorily second class citizens to CORPORATE CITIZENS. I say "statutorily" (that is, by written law) because in practice we are already subordinate to corporate power and interests. Think about it.

DO NOT MISS THIS KEY! The reason behind these moves is that the current rulers of Earth fear a popularly-ruled planet. Persons of color are numerous, the 3rd World doesn't intend to stay third forever, workers are realizing (once again) that they are powerful when organized, and battle lines are being drawn with respect to income concentration and SHARING of the resources our blue marble contains. Rulers do not intend to entertain any notions of sharing or equity. Ever. So, in the event you've been missing these paradigm-shifting developments, you haven't been paying close attention. Perhaps you'll be more interested if I can convince you that real life is science fiction, and that the scenario I describe (you hear it first here!) is only a treatment for a new movie. Wheeee!

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