Saturday, March 2, 2013

South Bronx community center Rebel Diaz Arts Collective (RDACBX) shut down by Federal marshals and NYPD.Wow. This is straight up Revolution Time news. I can't believe the authorities have done this, but on second thought, what else should we expect? Rebel Diaz stands for everything that the Mayor and his henchmen, and the reactionary corporatocracy which they all serve, are frightened of. That is, a population that thinks critically, that knows that it is powerful when unified, and that is not afraid to resist them... Do those characteristics describe you? I hope so. If not, why not? Here's the link to the Arts Collective's press release regarding this latest, state-ist repression.

1 comment:

  1. I think the problem is that most New Yorkers are afraid to get angry.
